The base is located within China Agricultural Valley,Qujialing Management Area of Jingmen city, Hubei province, consisting of a108-mu core area and a 3000-mu agricultural watershed observation area. It is established for exploring the agricultural water cycle and the environment evolution in southern China and to develop modern irrigation and drainagetechnology and management modesfor agricultural water resources.
The experimental station is equipped with irrigation and drainage system, automatic weather observation system, real-time remote sensing system, farmland eddy flux tower, high precision weighing lysimeters, greenhouses and information collection, transmission and remote control system. The core area is designed to conduct field study on crop water requirement, water-saving irrigation, water-logging, efficient use of water and fertilizer, agricultural pollution reduction with ponds and wetlands, soil environment and remediation, agricultural ecosystem restoration, hydraulic project informatization and automation. The agricultural watershed observation area, installed with automatic surface/ground water level and quality monitoring and transmitting devices, is designed to study regional agricultural environment evolution, water/ nitrogen/phosphorus cycle, and non-point pollution control technology. To facilitate field study, an office building with several laboratories is also built inside the station.