
Call for Proposals

The State Key Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering and Management (hereinafter referred to as SKL) was formally approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China in March 2023. The SKL was built by Wuhan University and co-built by CISPDR (Changjiang Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research) Corporation, on the foundation of the previous State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science established in 2003.

Research at the SKL spans across the major aspects of water resources, from hydrology, hydraulic, agriculture water resources, hydropower engineering, to water resources management. Our areas of particular interest include the identification of water resources change, development of advanced constructing technology for water resources storage and transport projects, development of intelligent technology for the integrated water resources management and so on. To further promote academic exchanges and cooperation, the SKL has set up a visiting research fund. Now, we would like to sincerely invite scholars from all over the world to submit proposals of research cooperation at the SKL.

Researches in three major research areas will be supported by the laboratory, which are:

1. Water resources evolution and prediction

1.1 Water resources system evolution in a changing environment

1.2 "Water-Energy-Food-Ecology" nexus system simulation

1.3 Water network planning and water resources allocation in all domains

2. Water resources allocation project construction and operation

2.1 Intelligent construction of water resources allocation project

2.2 Performance evolution of major water diversion projects

2.3 Safety of water resources allocation project

3. Integrated water resources management

3.1 Multi-objective optimal operation of water project group

3.2 Coordinated regulation and storage of wind and solar power by hydropower

The project funding amount is 100,000 RMB, the funds are mainly used for international cooperation and academic exchange activities of collaborators during the project execution period. The research period of the sponsored project is 2 years. Applicants must contact a fixed laboratory researcher with relevant or complementary research directions as a collaborator.

Attached please find the application form of the visiting research fund. If the fund is approved, the project leader shall submit no less than one SCI paper published as the first author (or corresponding author), and the SKL should be marked as the first author affiliation. Besides, authors of the paper must also include the laboratory collaborator. The project leader should make at least one academic report at the SKL.

Application forms should be sent to wrhes@whu.edu.cn. The deadline for the application is September 30th 2023. Proposals will be reviewed by the scientific committee of State Key Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering and Management and be granted based on merits.

Contact Information:

Ms. Huan Chen

State Key Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering and Management

Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China

Tel: 86-27-68772275

Fax: 86-27-68772275

E-mail: wrhes@whu.edu.cn


Download application form2023